Her dying words: I am going to Light, to Love, to Life! Born She became a spiritual director for many, and left a legacy of letters and retreat guides. She completed her noviate, and took her final vows on 11 January 1903. Though noted for great spiritual growth, she was also plagued with periods of powerful darkness, and her spiritual director expressed doubts over Elizabeth's vocation. Much against her mother's wishes, she entered the Discalced Carmelite monastery in Dijon, France on 2 August 1901. She visited the sick and taught catechism to children. Noted as a lively, popular girl, extremely stubborn, given to fits of rage, with great reverence for God, and an early attraction to a life of prayer and reflection. Her father died when the girl was seven, leaving her mother to raise Elizabeth and her sister Marguerite. Saint Elizabeth of the Trinity Also known asĭaughter of Captain Joseph Catez and Marie Catez. Calendar of Saints - 8 November 8 November